أغرقتني بالنعم
أنقذتني من الشرور
أمهلتني وقت ذلتي
فرجت عني وقت ضيقتي
وليتني.. ليتنى تعلمت ألا أعصاك
من للإسلام ان لم نكن نحن
Some people like to give advices to other people. It is a very good action to advice others especially when you do this due to your love to the person you advice.
Unfortunately, some people think that as I gave you advice then you should follow this advice; if you didn't then you are mistaken. Then let us discuss some points about advices:
Point #1:
Don't give advice in front of a number of people just advice the person when you are alone with each other.
It is advice not order, just say advice in a constructive way then leave the implementation to the person you advice.
Point #3:
Give advice in a kind way with nice words and usually remember the verse:
{ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة، وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن}النحل: 125
Point #4:
Remember that the person you advice is a human. Humans never like to feel guilty so when you give advice give it in a positive way not in a blaming way.
Point #5:
Smile while talking, not a gloating smile But a love smile
"Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get." -
"Change is nature. The part we can influence. And it starts when we decide. - Remy" -
"Oogway: Nothing is impossible." -
"Mr. Ping: The secret ingredient is....nothing!" -
-- Kung fu panda